Blue Eyes, Scorpio, GSOH - Paria Founder Sam
What started out as a side desk hustle has turned into something a lot bigger than we could ever have imagined and it’s great to see so many people show the love for what we do.
Here’s some insight into the team, starting with yours truly…
Sam Morgan - Founder

Born and raised in Glossop, I crossed the Pennines in 1995 to study Philosophy at the University of Leeds andnever left. I currently live in Moortown with my five-year-old daughter, my girlfriend, two cats and a Bernese mountain dog.
After graduating, I got my first job working for Britvic, where my claim to fame was launching the J2O brand. I then moved onto sales and marketing roles with Mars, Arla, Nestle, and Johnson & Johnson, ascending the slippery career pole and working my way up, managing ever larger budgets and teams.
I gained a hell of a lot from my time working within these huge businesses, building huge brands from Calpol to KitKat to Piz Buin (with Anusol and Immodium thrown in for good measure).
Schooled by leading blue-chip specialists
My sales career path has left an indelible influence on how I operate with clients and customers. Simiarly, working alongside exceptionally talented and qualified operators whilst building brand profiles both in the UK and globally allowed me to harness my creativity, which I loved. My career trajectory was going well, and was helping to fund my sneaker addiction, a couple of banging bikes and a new snowboard or two. A square peg in a round hole
I moved from job to job searching for a sense of satisfaction, never quite fitting the corporate mould. I was delivering in the roles, making great friends, and gaining first-class skills, but ultimately I ran out of steam. I couldn’t hack the stuffiness, and it felt like the hand brake was on as I was inching forward in jobs – and in age. So, when my mid-30s rolled around, I exited stage left.
A square peg in a round hole
I took a sabbatical and went travelling. First stop - snowboarding in the USA. Next was Japan, then Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. I’d never been one for prolonged “gap yahh” trips, but the opportunity presented itself and the time out gave me real perspective (as well as a load of new tattoos).
When I returned to the UK (via another quick snowboarding trip), I decided it was time to do my own thing. I wasn’t going to work for the man again – I was full of ideas and ready to develop my own brand.
In the next instalment, I’ll fill you in on how (and why) I started Paria. For now, thanks for reading. I’m planning to send more info about the brand, the products and our plans in good time, but if you have any questions please do drop me an email:
Take it easy out there....